The EventBeacon Admin System (EBAS) makes it easy to make last minute and game day changes to your schedule. If you wish to update the time, date, teams, or field for a few games quickly, you can do so by following the directions below.
1. Login to EBAS
2. Find the event you wish to work on.
3. Click into the Schedule Tab.
4. Scroll to find the specific game you wish to edit, or type the team name in the search bar at the top.
5. Once the game is located, click the gear icon to the right.
6. Click “Edit” and edit the Date, Start Time, Teams, and Field.
7. Once complete, select "Update Game"
Why EventBeacon?
EventBeacon provides a superior event experience for both coaches and event administrators alike, while empowering student-athletes to take control of their recruiting experience. With access to all relevant student-athlete recruiting information in the app, coaches are able to efficiently and effectively evaluate players on-site. Similarly, event administrators are able to utilize the software to generate a coaches book in seconds, while also being able to make any roster or event changes immediately visible to coaches. The more efficient the coach’s experience, the more exposure for athletes, and the more exposure for athletes, the more successful an event.
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