Event Directors can utilize the EventBeacon Admin System (EBAS) to process film and/or bulk upload video files to expedite the process of getting game footage to our users, Athletes, Club Staff, and College coaches. If you have multiple video files for each game on your schedule, you can upload them all. EBAS will stitch the raw files together into one game file. If you've already processed the footage, you can still utilize EBAS to bulk upload all your game video files for an event at once.
One you have logged into the Admin System (EBAS), navigate to the schedule tab of the event you will be uploading footage for. This is where the entire process will take place.
Please note: Once you begin, you cannot navigate away from the Admin System until you get to the transcoding step! Doing so will cause you to lose all your progress.
Step 1: Renaming Files for Upload
Before anything can be uploaded, all files must be renamed to match the accepted format. In order to find the correct name for every game of an event, you must download a CSV so you have a full list of the appropriate names.
- Login to the EventBeacon Admin System
- Choose the event from the event listings
- Navigate to the "Schedule" tab
- Click "download CSV" in order to download the CSV with the correct naming scheme for each file:
- Open the CSV. On the far right side, you will see the naming scheme of the file in the column title "fileName."
- Begin rewriting the files that you wish to upload with the appropriate name. If you are only uploading one file per game, you only need to rename the file to correct name.
If you are uploading multiple files to be stitched together into one game, you must write the name of the file with an underscore and the order in which you want the files to be put in. For example, if you have two files for game with the file name "39399_Team1_Team 2" you must rewrite the files as "39399_Team1_Team 2_1" and "39399_Team1_Team 2_2." This way the games will be uploaded into stitched into one file, and in the correct order you are requesting.
Step 2: Uploading files to EBAS
1. Once all the files you wish to upload are renamed, you are ready to begin uploading. In the far right corner, click "Manage" and then select "Upload Video"
2. From there, upload footage like you would any other platform, by dragging the files, or clicking upload your games.
Step 3: Matching Up Games
From there a menu will pop up for you to look through and see if all the games are matched up correctly. If any need to be changed, or assigned due to an incorrect file naming, you can do so here before you continue with the upload. You can match up the files to the correct game by either typing in the Game ID or name of the opponents, or scrolling through the game options.
If you are doing a large upload, and need to, you can filter by unmatched films or errors. at the top of the screen on the left, select filter, and "unmatched film." As you start to match up the games properly, the line item will disappear.
If there are errors, you can filter by that as well, or handle them in the main view. For example, if there is a duplication error, where two files were uploaded with the same name scheme, you can just select the error file, and delete the file using the trash can icon at the top.
Step 4: Uploading Footage
1. Once everything has been cleaned up, everything matched, no duplicate errors, etc. You are ready to upload. Simply click "Upload" in the top right corner of the page.
2. Once you select upload, you will be able to watch the progress of all the uploads. Reminder: DO NOT close out the page until all files are uploaded!
3. Once the upload is complete, the page will refresh back to the schedule tab. You will see the games transcoding.
Once you get to this page, you can either close out of EBAS, or move on to another upload for the event you are working on, or a completely different event.
Why EventBeacon?
EventBeacon’s suite of tools provides a superior recruiting experience for both coaches and event administrators alike, while empowering student-athletes to take control of their recruiting experience. The EventBeacon app grants coaches access to all relevant student-athlete recruiting information for enhanced on-site evaluation, while EventBeacon On Demand is a video tool built directly into the SportsRecruits platform that offers coaches the ability to watch and evaluate game footage from the comfort of their own home or office. With access to thousands of games, coaches have the ability to evaluate more athletes, more efficiently. EventBeacon is free to use for all college coaches.
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