EventBeacon On Demand is a virtual evaluation tool that is completely free for college coaches. All game footage filmed at events powered by EventBeacon are posted to this platform for coaches to watch. Through EventBeacon On Demand you are able to find any game, at any time, and view from the comfort of your own home or office.
Once you enter EventBeacon On Demand, you will immediately be taken to the events dashboard. From here, you are able to manually scroll through the dashboard, or search for specific games or events using the search feature at the top of the screen.
Once you’ve entered an event’s page, you have access to every game filmed. From there you can choose any of the games listed or filter it down further by searching for specific teams or student-athletes. You also are provided with the number of “Favorite” and “Interested” athletes in attendance at this event. To view this list, click on the button directly beneath the title of the event containing the heart and graduation cap icons.
For more information about what a “Favorite” or “Interested” athlete is, check out our article, What's the Difference Between Favorite and Interested Athletes?.
Who is Notified When I Watch a Game?
When you watch a game on EventBeacon on Demand, you are provided with the rosters of each team, all of whom will have SportsRecruits profiles. Each time you view a game, every player on that team will receive a notification saying that a college coach watched that specific game. If they are a paid user, they will be able to see the school of the coach that viewed their game as well.
Additionally, there will be links beside each player’s name on the side-by-side rosters provided. If you click into a player’s profile, they will be notified that a coach viewed their actual profile in addition to a coach watching their team’s game. If they are a paid user this profile view notification will also show the school of the coach that viewed them.
Why EventBeacon?
EventBeacon provides a superior event experience for both coaches and event administrators alike, while empowering student-athletes to take control of their recruiting experience. With access to all relevant student-athlete recruiting information in the app, coaches are able to efficiently and effectively evaluate players on-site. Similarly, event administrators are able to utilize the software to generate a coaches book in seconds, while also being able to make any roster or event changes immediately visible to coaches. The more efficient the coach’s experience, the more exposure for athletes, and the more exposure for athletes, the more successful an event. Available in the app store today!
Download in the Google Play Store
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